The Yallourn Golf Club’s main competition days are Wednesday, Thursdays,Friday(chicken run), Saturdays and Sundays.
The main competition day for our Members is Saturday. The Monthly Medal is held on the second Saturday of the month. Green fee visitors are generally still welcomed to play on a Saturday, providing you hit off after the last competition player, usually from 1:30pm onwards.
Additionally, if you have a handicap and would like to play in the competition, contact the CAPTAIN and request a start. Visitors are not eligible to win the Monthly Medal. Saturday competition entry is $15, with optional entry into the swindle just $2. Half price green fees must also be paid by visitors, unless otherwise authorised by the Captain
Our midweek and weekend competition on Wednesday or Sunday is an open event where all players with an eligible handicap are invited to play. The only cost to all players is competition entry of $15.
Yallourn Golf Club | Gippsland's Finest
Golf Links Road, Yallourn Heights
(03) 5127 6962
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