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At Yallourn, we recognise the need to be flexible to your needs, and that’s why we offer a variety of membership categories tailor made to best suit you. Each of our categories is outlined below to assist you in choosing the one that’s perfect for you.
Annual Membership $810
You receive full playing/membership rights/voting rights at the Annual General Meeting.
Country Membership $330
>30km from the Yallourn Golf Club Clubhouse.
Pensioner Membership $600
Same rights as a full Ordinary Member, but are only available to those persons over the age of 65.
Junior Membership Under 18 $55-$165
See junior member form for Junior Membership Options.
Social Membership $20
Access to the non-golfing facilities at the Club.
Family Membership Information
Cell Membership
The Yallourn Golf Club’s exclusive Cell memberships offer Gippsland’s best value golf.
Green Fees
9 Holes $20
18 Holes $30
Green Fees
9 Holes $20
18 Holes $30
Golf Set Hire
18 Holes $25
Golf Set Hire
9 Holes $8
18 Holes $13
Golf Carts
9 Holes $25
18 Holes $40
Golf Carts
9 Holes $20
18 Holes $35
Reciprocal Rights
Yallourn Golf Club shares Reciprocal Rights with other golf courses throughout Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia. This means that should you decide to play any of these Clubs in your travels, your Yallourn membership entitles you to significant savings on green fees. The amount saved varies from course to course, so next time you find yourself near any of the Clubs below, call in and see what your Yallourn membership can get you.
Bendigo Axedale Golf Club
Cohuna Golf Club
Foster Golf Club
Korumburra Golf Club
Lakes Entrance Golf Club
Meeniyan Golf Club
Midlands Golf Club
Barham Golf Club
Bermagui Golf Club
Deniliquin Golf Club
Jerilderie Golf Club
Naracoorte Golf Club
New Membership Policy:
Any new membership application is to be signed by the proposer & seconder who must
be financial members of the YGC who personally know the applicant and are willing to
endorse & confirm that the applicant is a person who satisfies the prerequisites of
membership set out below.
The applicant is required to demonstrate that he/she is a person of good standing who
demonstrates good sportsmanship, who is willing to participate & play in accordance with the
rules, regulations & directions of the YGC & to contribute to the YGC in a positive way.
The applicant is required to demonstrate that he/she would accept & comply with the rules and
regulations of the YGC relating to his/her conduct & behaviour on the golf course & in the
clubhouse & in particular:
1. To comply with dress & behaviour standards of the YGC
2. To conduct his/herself in a manner required for the harmonious interaction between members
of the YGC
3. To give proper respect to the officials & employees of the YGC, the golf course & the
equipment of YGC & at all times comply with the directions of the officials & employees .
Based on responses provided, each application will be considered & determined by the YGC .
Yallourn Golf Club | Gippsland's Finest
Golf Links Road, Yallourn Heights
(03) 5127 6962
Follow us on Facebook.
© Yallourn Golf Club. All Rights Reserved.